Installing Windows Using Only CMD

The Installer Download and Launch the Windows Installer. Launch Command Prompt with Shift+F10 Partitioning List Disks with list disk Select desired disk with sel disk # Check to verify there is NO partitions list partition (Optional) Delete any existing partitions del part # NOTE: THIS ERASES ALL DATA You can also use clean for deleting all partions. Check to verify DISK is GPT list disk and use convert gpt If GPT is not Enabled Create Boot partition create partition efi size=100 Create Data partition create partition primary size=* Select Boot sel partition 1 Format Boot format fs=FAT32 quick Assign Boot partition assign letter=g: Select Data sel par 2 Format Data format fs=NTFS quick Assign Data partition assign letter=c:...

October 06, 2023 340 words 2 min

Blocking Ads on Spotify

Are you tired of constantly being interrupted by ads while listening to your favorite music on Spotify? If so, you’re in luck! I just stumbled upon SpotX, the Spotify ad blocker that will revolutionize the way you listen to music. SpotX and BlockTheSpot are simple, lightweight tools that blocks all ads on Spotify, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted music all day long. With SpotX, you no longer have to put up with annoying ads or pay for a premium subscription to get rid of them....