Basic Git Cheatsheat

Git is a very powerful version control and a project managing tool. Every dev has to use git for projects. Below is my git cheatsheat. Below are some basic commands and some settings every developer should know Basics git init for initiating a git repo in a folder git add to add file/folder to staging area git commit to commit changes git push to publish changes to remote git status to check status of git repo including staged and unstaged changes Branches You can use branches for making a copy of repo, implementing a feature and then merging it back to main branch...

Effortless Directory Regeneration Using Pacman

I was trying to edit /etc/pam.d and fix elogind on my Artix Installation. Unfortunately, It went badly and I messed up my pam.d directory.However, I Found a Fix. In pacman, It is very easy to check files owned by packages. So, We can simply generate a list of packages which have files in pam.d and reinstall them. Steps Remove Files to be regenerated Then, Stock Files are regenerated by using the following command: For Bash Shell pacman -S $(pacman -Ql | grep /etc/pam....