Old Internet is Dying

Yes, You heard me right. But you might be wondering, “Isn’t the internet growing at an unprecedented rate?”. You might be correct but over the years, the Internet has become more centralized than ever. HOW? Big companies and social media control around 50% of internet traffic. People no longer have their own corner on the internet. IRC and RSS are dying. Hardly anybody notices small sites on their own unless you publish to social media....

November 25, 2023 217 words 2 min

Blocking Ads on Spotify

Are you tired of constantly being interrupted by ads while listening to your favorite music on Spotify? If so, you’re in luck! I just stumbled upon SpotX, the Spotify ad blocker that will revolutionize the way you listen to music. SpotX and BlockTheSpot are simple, lightweight tools that blocks all ads on Spotify, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted music all day long. With SpotX, you no longer have to put up with annoying ads or pay for a premium subscription to get rid of them....