The Installer

Download and Launch the Windows Installer.
Launch Command Prompt with Shift+F10


  • List Disks with list disk
  • Select desired disk with sel disk #
  • Check to verify there is NO partitions list partition
  • (Optional) Delete any existing partitions del part #
  • You can also use clean for deleting all partions.
  • Check to verify DISK is GPT list disk and use convert gpt
    If GPT is not Enabled
  • Create Boot partition create partition efi size=100
  • Create Data partition create partition primary size=*
  • Select Boot sel partition 1
  • Format Boot format fs=FAT32 quick
  • Assign Boot partition assign letter=g:
  • Select Data sel par 2
  • Format Data format fs=NTFS quick
  • Assign Data partition assign letter=c:
    NOTE: You may need to UNASSIGN an existing C: drive

Selecting Windows Version to Install

DISM is the tool that is actually used to install windows. You can use the following command to get index# of the Windows Version you want to install.

DISM /Get-ImageInfo /imagefile:x:\sources\install.wim

Note the Index: # that you want to install

Install Windows Data

Now we copy the windows data into the disk.

DISM /apply-image /imagefile:x:\sources\install.wim /index:2 /applydir:c:

English (World) Debloating Trick

This will remove a lot of tiles from windows start menu and provides overall clean experience

dism /Image:c: /Set-UserLocale:en-001

Copy Boot Files to EFI

Copy the boot files to complete the EFI partition to boot into our windows.

bcdboot c:\Windows /s G: /f ALL

Bypass OOBE For Windows 11

This bypasses Microsoft Account Requirement.


System will restart after executing the command.
Select Continue with limited Setup and name the device and create a local account.

Running debloat script after boot

ChrisTitus created an awesome debloat script. We can use this to debloat windows and make it a little better.

irm | iex

Also see:this


This is probably an overkill way to install Windows that I stole from Titus ;) and this provides a really good insight to what actually happens when you click install in Windows Setup.