Make GSI RW (For Ext4)

With TWRP/OFRP adb shell lptools resize product_a 335872 # Do not change this value lptools resize system_a 5368709120 #4617089843 or 5368709120 (4.3GB or 5GB system) With Fastbootd fastboot resize-logical-partition system_a 5368709120 #(For 5GB) Reboot Recovery/Fastbootd after this Flash product_gsi e2fsck -f /dev/block/by-name/system resize2fs /dev/block/by-name/system 5G e2fsck -E unshare_blocks /dev/block/by-name-system

February 07, 2024 49 words 1 min

Old Internet is Dying

Yes, You heard me right. But you might be wondering, “Isn’t the internet growing at an unprecedented rate?”. You might be correct but over the years, the Internet has become more centralized than ever. HOW? Big companies and social media control around 50% of internet traffic. People no longer have their own corner on the internet. IRC and RSS are dying. Hardly anybody notices small sites on their own unless you publish to social media....

November 25, 2023 217 words 2 min

Create Swapfile

Swapfile and swap-partitions are rarely used now-a-days. But they still have one major use case which is hibernation. Use the following Commands to create and enable swapfile Commands sudo fallocate -l 6G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile then change fstab (/etc/fstab) so it automatically mounts your swap file on startup /swapfile none swap sw 0 0 Afterward, check if your swap file is operating properly with htop....

November 15, 2023 84 words 1 min

Using Fingerprint for Sudo Password

Typing sudo password again and again becomes very frustrating at times. But there is a solution to this madness. You can use fingerprint for this process. This post has been inspired by krdrag0n’s tweet. For Linux Debian/Ubuntu Based Distros Run sudo pam-auth-update And use the space bar to enable Fingerprint authentication in the dialog Arch Based Distros Install fprintd and imagemagick Note: Some devices may require a different fork of libfprint....

October 10, 2023 104 words 1 min

Useful Adb Commands

Backup Apks Get list of installed apps adb shell pm list packages -f -3 Fetch Apks of all Installed Apps for APP in $(adb shell pm list packages -3 -f) do adb pull $( echo ${APP} | sed "s/^package://" | sed "s/base.apk=/base.apk /").apk done Fetch Apk of One App adb pull /data/app/appFolderNameHere/base.apk app.apk Getting Partitions Imgs Backup adb pull /dev/block/by-name/SYSTEM system.img Restore adb push system.img /sdcard/ Then dd if=/sdcard/system.img of=/dev/block/by-name/SYSTEM...

October 08, 2023 75 words 1 min

Installing Windows Using Only CMD

The Installer Download and Launch the Windows Installer. Launch Command Prompt with Shift+F10 Partitioning List Disks with list disk Select desired disk with sel disk # Check to verify there is NO partitions list partition (Optional) Delete any existing partitions del part # NOTE: THIS ERASES ALL DATA You can also use clean for deleting all partions. Check to verify DISK is GPT list disk and use convert gpt If GPT is not Enabled Create Boot partition create partition efi size=100 Create Data partition create partition primary size=* Select Boot sel partition 1 Format Boot format fs=FAT32 quick Assign Boot partition assign letter=g: Select Data sel par 2 Format Data format fs=NTFS quick Assign Data partition assign letter=c:...

October 06, 2023 340 words 2 min

Optimizing Linux Boot Time

Boot time is how much time it takes to boot your computer when you press your power button. A lot of things can slow down your boot on Linux. In this article we will discuss this in detail. Systemd optimizations Disabling unnecessary services systemd-analyze is a command available on systemd distros (which most distros are). It shows which service is using more time to load and you can disable that service....

The Problem With Smart Televisions

The Problem Televisions started as an easy to use device, you just pressed a button, and a channel played. Now-a-days, Television has been transformed into “SmartTV” Full of Ads, Tracking Built-In (as a feature btw) and Bloated UI Optimizing Electronics The reason TVs feel bloated and laggy is because the tech companies just bundle the TV with a bunch of bloat that uses more resources than necessary. You can optimize your electronic device by removing bloat and can make your TV somewhat useable....

October 02, 2023 251 words 2 min

Disable Core Dumps

Setting Limits Edit /etc/security/limits.conf Append the following lines * hard core 0 * soft core 0 Disabling setgid and setuid programs from core dumping Edit /etc/sysctl.d/9999-disable-core-dump.conf or /etc/sysctl.conf Append the following lines fs.suid.dumpable=0 kernel.core_pattern= |/bin/false

Build.prop Tweaks

Build.Prop Tweaks # enable software keys qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 # Quick Power On ro.config.hw_quickpoweron=true # Disable Error reporting profiler.force_disable_err_rpt=1 profiler.force_disable_ulog=1 ro.kernel.checkjni=0 # Disable GPS Entirely # Advanced (Not Recommended) ro.config.nocheckin=1 dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode=false dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y,v=n,o=v ro.boot.selinux=permissive androidboot.selinux=permissive persist.selinux.enforcing=0 security.perf_harden=0 selinux.reload_policy=0 selinux.sec.restorecon=0 # Disable Boot Animation debug.sf.nobootanimation=1 # Networking net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 # Disable SIM Functionality # Disable Sensors ro.qti.sensors.pedometer=false ro.qti.sensors.step_counter=false ro.qti.sensors.step_detector=false ro.qti.sensors.facing=false ro.qti.sensors.pick_up=false keyguard.no_require_sim=true # Disable Audio Warnings audio....