Yes, You heard me right. But you might be wondering, “Isn’t the internet growing at an unprecedented rate?”. You might be correct but over the years, the Internet has become more centralized than ever.


  • Big companies and social media control around 50% of internet traffic.
  • People no longer have their own corner on the internet.
  • IRC and RSS are dying.
  • Hardly anybody notices small sites on their own unless you publish to social media.
  • Small platforms are shrinking.
  • AI is replacing the writer’s human connection with the reader. These AI-articles are hastily written and mass-produced. The Internet is being filled with these garbage AI-written articles that are pretty useless.
  • This era of people think that the internet is just limited to these social media sites. There are plenty of great small websites but they are becoming harder to find. People just quit because they don’t get any traffic.
  • Everything that was once run for fun, run because it was cool is now run for profit. Either a site exists to sell you things, sell you ideas, or sell you as a product. Things that are fun and goofy get overshadowed by the giants who can afford better SEO. There isn’t any fix to this problem but it’s just sad to see the early internet fade away.