Create Swapfile

Swapfile and swap-partitions are rarely used now-a-days. But they still have one major use case which is hibernation. Use the following Commands to create and enable swapfile Commands sudo fallocate -l 6G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile then change fstab (/etc/fstab) so it automatically mounts your swap file on startup /swapfile none swap sw 0 0 Afterward, check if your swap file is operating properly with htop....

November 15, 2023 84 words 1 min

Optimizing Linux Boot Time

Boot time is how much time it takes to boot your computer when you press your power button. A lot of things can slow down your boot on Linux. In this article we will discuss this in detail. Systemd optimizations Disabling unnecessary services systemd-analyze is a command available on systemd distros (which most distros are). It shows which service is using more time to load and you can disable that service....

Disable Core Dumps

Setting Limits Edit /etc/security/limits.conf Append the following lines * hard core 0 * soft core 0 Disabling setgid and setuid programs from core dumping Edit /etc/sysctl.d/9999-disable-core-dump.conf or /etc/sysctl.conf Append the following lines fs.suid.dumpable=0 kernel.core_pattern= |/bin/false

Effortless Directory Regeneration Using Pacman

I was trying to edit /etc/pam.d and fix elogind on my Artix Installation. Unfortunately, It went badly and I messed up my pam.d directory.However, I Found a Fix. In pacman, It is very easy to check files owned by packages. So, We can simply generate a list of packages which have files in pam.d and reinstall them. Steps Remove Files to be regenerated Then, Stock Files are regenerated by using the following command: For Bash Shell pacman -S $(pacman -Ql | grep /etc/pam....

Blocking Ads on Spotify

Are you tired of constantly being interrupted by ads while listening to your favorite music on Spotify? If so, you’re in luck! I just stumbled upon SpotX, the Spotify ad blocker that will revolutionize the way you listen to music. SpotX and BlockTheSpot are simple, lightweight tools that blocks all ads on Spotify, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted music all day long. With SpotX, you no longer have to put up with annoying ads or pay for a premium subscription to get rid of them....